182: ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland
We all know when summer really starts… ‘Captain America: Civil War.’ Matt Reedy returns.
We all know when summer really starts… ‘Captain America: Civil War.’ Matt Reedy returns.
We’re joined by artist Matt Reedy to look at the box office this week.
We discuss Key & Peel’s ‘Keanu’.
We finally make it through an episode without a WWE reference from Joe. Which can only mean one thing… Tom talked about The Monkees.
It’s the prequel/sequel no one demanded – ‘The Huntsman: Winter’s War.’
We’re joined by Michael Haffner, film critic for Alive Magazine and We Are Movie Geeks.
Jon Favreau gives us his take on The Jungle Book.
Pee bags or catheters? It’s a heated discussion. But not as heated as our discussion of sex symbols of yesteryear.
174: Bad Comic Book Movies (In Honor of ‘Batman v Superman’)