THE DIRTY DOZEN Starring Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson
We’re back with another pairing of classic films with their sequels. Paul Harris returns.
We’re back with another pairing of classic films with their sequels. Paul Harris returns.
We’re back with another sequel discussion. This time it’s the third film in the George Burns series, OH, GOD! YOU DEVIL.
In honor of the late Carl Reiner, we’re taking a look back at one of his most popular films – OH, GOD! starring John Denver and George Burns.
We watched THE BLACK BIRD, a sequel to THE MALTESE FALCON, so you don’t have to. Find out why you should be thankful.
As we continue our series of misbegotten sequels, we kick off this week’s episodes with a look at the 1941 film noir classic, THE MALTESE FALCON.
Spike Lee’s latest film gets a Netflix exclusive release, and we’re all about it. With special guest Caless Davis (@BlackNerdMagic), contributor to Feelin’ Film.
A new release has appeared! Fresh to VOD, we take on Judd Apatow’s THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND starring Pete Davidson.
Yes, there’s a sequel to ROSEMARY’s BABY. And we saw it so you don’t have to!
Would you believe that ROSEMARY’S BABY is a part of our “Misbegotten Sequels” series?
And now, we take on the sequel… a “Blues Brothers” movie with essentially one Blues Brother.