53: Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana
Apparently everyone saw Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend. We are joined by Brian Spath from Cinema St. Louis.
Apparently everyone saw Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend. We are joined by Brian Spath from Cinema St. Louis.
We have a pair of “His & Hers” action movies on Episode #52 as Lucy and Hercules get Reel Spoiler-ified. Alexis Rhiannon from Crushable.com joins.
Our Dawn of the Planet Apes, which was actually #50, was called #51. This is what happens when Tom & Joe are left to their own devices.
We focus on Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Rich Handley steps into assist.
If you’ve enjoyed the episodes where we hated that week’s movie then boy are you in for a treat.
Frankie goes to Hollywood as Clint Eastwood helms Jersey Boys.
It’s a momentous occasion as we celebrate (ok, we mention) one full year of spoiling.
We learn that America wants to see kids dying more than they want to see Tom Cruise dying… or something like that.
This week we discuss Maleficent and, since we’re discussing a Disney movie, we brought in a Disney expert – Jim Hill.
This week we return to the bunker so we can spoil X-Men: Days of Future Past.