THE OLD GUARD Starring Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Our second new release of the week takes on Charlize Theron’s newest action franchise on Netflix – THE OLD GUARD.
Our second new release of the week takes on Charlize Theron’s newest action franchise on Netflix – THE OLD GUARD.
We circle back around to some new releases this week, starting with the HULU time-loop comedy PALM SPRINGS.
Did you know there was a sequel to THE DIRTY DOZEN? How about three of them? This week Paul Harris joins to discuss the second film in the series.
We’re back with another pairing of classic films with their sequels. Paul Harris returns.
We’re back with another sequel discussion. This time it’s the third film in the George Burns series, OH, GOD! YOU DEVIL.
In honor of the late Carl Reiner, we’re taking a look back at one of his most popular films – OH, GOD! starring John Denver and George Burns.
We watched THE BLACK BIRD, a sequel to THE MALTESE FALCON, so you don’t have to. Find out why you should be thankful.
As we continue our series of misbegotten sequels, we kick off this week’s episodes with a look at the 1941 film noir classic, THE MALTESE FALCON.