163: ‘Gods of Egypt’ Box Office Report (2-26 – 2/28)
Deadpool once again tops the box office with ‘Gods of Egypt’ making a decidedly ungodly debut.
Deadpool once again tops the box office with ‘Gods of Egypt’ making a decidedly ungodly debut.
If you’ve listened to Reel Spoilers for more than 20-minutes, then you know how much Tom loves The Monkees.
Chris Frank from The Kelly Manno Show is back to discuss Deadpool.
This week we marvel at the fact that we made it to episode 160.
We brought in an expert: Kelli Allen.
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ spends a second week at number one. Plus, we manage to bring up ‘The Brown Bunny’ (yet again).
Tom teaches Joe how time works. Joe says all Coast Guard movies are the same. And Dan teaches us how to sneak into a movie theater Three Stooges style.
It’s a painful episode as we are subjected to ‘Dirty Grandpa’ – a movie so debased that even Creepy Joe was put off by it.
‘The Revenant’ still tops at the box office. ‘Star Wars’ is closing in on a billion dollars domestic, but it will probably never be the world champ.